Women Leading in Education SW UK

The network lead for the South West for the Women Leading in Education programme for The NCTL


Our vision is to grow a regional teacher equality network, with a focus on leadership and gender (though not exclusively as other factors, such as ethnicity, LGBT could be addressed in the same way) . This would be comprised of up to 24 smaller networks, varying in size, composition and format, but would share the following features:

  1. Engage members through range of media, with a focus on social media platforms such as facebook, linkedin and twitter
  2. Be lead by an inspiring role model, with a successful track record of leadership that is committed to overcoming barriers to women (and other groups under-represented in leadership) becoming leaders
  3. Draw membership from a range of backgrounds, including class teachers, trainee teachers, school governors, senior leaders from education and other public sectors, and leaders from private sector
  4. Members would be identified and / or recruited by Women into Leadership Champions, who will be key change agents. Each network would agree a Network Lead to co-ordinate activity
  5. Key activities for networks would stem from our key aims and objectives (see above)



  1. Recruit, train and support 12 ‘Women into Leadership Champions’ to act as key change agents
  2. Inspire, facilitate and support the creation of 24 ‘Women into Leadership Networks’
  3. Publish 3 annual reports and case studies on ‘Meeting the work-life balance needs of leaders’ and disseminate to all schools
  4. Recruit an additional 24 serving headteachers to become active Leadership Coaches on the NCTL’s Women into Leadership programme
  5. Engage an additional 48 female teachers in accessing coaching through the NCTL’s Women into Leadership programme
  6. Hold annual regional conference with representatives from governance, trade unions, headteachers, phase associations and TSC SW
  1. Women into Leadership Champions would be recruited with the support of Regional TSC Links. They would be outstanding leaders with a high level of commitment to equality, especially gender. We will provide an intensive programme of support to our champions, including: training in network facilitation skills, use of social media, regulations and laws surrounding equality.